Thursday, September 15, 2005

A Time Travel Machine ?

The less I can say is: time flies!

Maybe you thought I found a Time Travel Machine and went back to the eighties? :-)

Well, too bad I did not find it yet!

I'm still alive and I still love music from the eighties. 80's songs are still amongst the one I prefer and I know I'm not the only one to think that way...

I've seen that despite my lack of update, this blog was still receiving several visits per day! It amazed me but most of all, it motivates me to put some efforts in it to make it back to live! :-)
But that won't be an easy thing to do... you know the song: so many things to do and so few time to do those...

Moreover, I'm now wondering if this blog is the best way to present you the results of my searches... I think that a "real" website might be easier to use for you. But that also means even more designing work for me... So... we'll see how motivated I am...

One thing is sure 80's music still rocks, during summer festivals around here in Belgium bands such as Frankie Goes To Hollywood and The Human League was performing again.
Madness released a new album and I've also recently heard a new released from Bananarama!!

And those of you who heard last Robbie Willams'song will have obviously noticed the "eighties colour" of it, as it sounds like ska music from Madness.

Hope to be back soon! See you! ;-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you'll enjoy today.

"Yo, yo little brother, your gonna get it from your dad and your mother."